This post is all about 11 insanely good self-care ideas to upgrade your routine for 2022.
January is the perfect month to go through your routine and make changes, create new habits and set new goals. I love using this month as a month of planning and preparing for cultivating a healthier year for myself.
For 2022, one of my focuses is self-care routine. Self-care looks different for everyone, but it's important to take time for yourself and to do things that help you feel good. Instead of embracing the hustle culture this year, I've decided to invest in myself and embrace self-care.
Here are 11 insanely good self-care ideas to help you transform your routine for 2022.
1. Spend time outdoors
Spending time outside is said to be one of the fastest ways to improve your health and wellness. Just 20 minutes can improve your mental health and well-being! You can make a daily walk to get a coffee part of your daily routine if going for hikes or exploring nature isn't really your thing. This is one of my favourite self-care ideas because it's so simple, and makes such a change in my mood. If you live somewhere where the winters are cold (like in Ontario), dress up as warm as you can and try to go out on the days where the cold is bearable. I love turning my daily walk into a trip to get a coffee and to listen to some of my favourite wellness podcasts.
2. Listen to a wellness podcast
If you haven't already, try listening to a wellness podcast. There are so many amazing wellness podcasts out there that are full of such useful wellness tips & information. Some of my favourites are The Blonde Files, Mood, The Wellness Cafe, and Unlocking Us. In addition to listening to these podcasts at home, you can also listen to them on your daily walk or commute to work. I learn so much from the helpful advice and interviews on these podcasts and they have transformed my self care routine so much!
3. Schedule in your self care days
Most of us use calendars to schedule our to-do lists, work deadlines and other responsibilities but, what about our self care days? I never used to schedule in my self care days until I decided to make it a priority. Write in your self care day each week and designate that day as a day dedicated to you to practice self care. Above all, make sure it's a priority that you actively seek out every week in your routine.
4. Have a weekly social media detox
Social media is an amazing way to connect with others and to share our experiences. But, it's also really easy to get sucked in to being constantly on it. If you work on social media or need to check up on it as part of your job, try to dedicate half a day a week to staying off social media. Spending too much time on social media can lead to feeling burnt out, exhausted, and constantly comparing yourself to others. In addition to that, it can make you feel even more disconnected from yourself and others. Social media is all about balance. Take breaks when you need and detox as often as feels right.
5. Practice self-love affirmations every day
Self-love is a journey and process that takes time & patience. I have always struggled with feeling confident and at ease in my own skin and am still on that journey. Choose a new affirmation each day, and write it down whether it's in your journal or on a note online. Repeat that affirmation to yourself throughout the day. Changing the way we speak to ourselves takes actively working on it.

6. Try aromatherapy
I'll admit, when I saw everyone buying essential oil diffusers I honestly didn't know what the buzz was all about. It didn't seem like something worth adding to my list of self-care ideas. I recently started using an essential oils diffuser I bought from Amazon and I use it every single day - I'm in love with it! The diffuser makes me feel so comfortable and relaxed in my space. Aromatherapy has many proven benefits for mental health and is definitely worth a try.

7. Make a list of your biggest stressors
When you're feeling overwhelmed with stress, make a list of your biggest stressors. What are the things that are making you the most stressed right now? When I write these down, I try to go over them and figure out ways I can offload some of that stress. If it's work related, I'll try to set some boundaries or create more breaks for myself. When you acknowledge what your stressors are, it's easier to work on reducing them and getting rid of some of the stress in your daily life.
8. Practice journaling
This has been a game changer for me as far as self-care ideas go and I've really found a love for journaling. If you've never journaled before, use a few journal prompts from Pinterest to get started. Journal prompts can really help you get writing especially if you're not sure where to start or what to write about. Have a look at all of our different journal prompts which are great for beginners!
9. Read informative books
Reading books to learn is a good way to disconnect from everything and immerse yourself in something new. I love reading self-help books, books about financial advice, books about and anything about healthy habits & eating. If you're not a fan of self-help or wellness books, try reading a biography. There are so many inspiring biographies out there.

10. Do an act of kindness
Helping someone else, even in a small way can completely change your mood & perspective. Acts of kindness, no matter how small can not only help someone in need, but they can also help your mental health too. Self-care ideas are all about doing things that make you feel good. Above all, you want to feel better after practicing self- care. Doing an act of kindness for someone else is always a guaranteed way to boost your mood.
11. Use calming book activities
Sudoku, crossword puzzles and word searches are good for your mind and good for your mental health, too. One of the things I've noticed while teaching is how much kids absolutely love colouring and word searches. They go crazy for them. These activities are amazing at helping your mind to disconnect from everything and to focus on the task at hand. I've been using sudoku and crossword puzzles at the end of the day in bed and have noticed that I'm so much more relaxed and clear headed after. Rather than using your phone before bed, try one of these activities to relax you.
Those are 11 insanely good self-care ideas you can use to upgrade your 2022 routine. What are some of your favourite self-care ideas? I'd love to hear about them!
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