I swear by these daily journal prompts and love starting my day with them. Self-reflection is a practice that isn't always easy. When life grows busy and chaotic, finding the time to prioritize yourself can be tough.
The way you start your morning has the power to completely shift the course of your day. It can be hard to find gratefulness in the midst of daily to-do lists, schedules, and anxieties. Journaling has been such a life-changing practice that I try to prioritize daily, if not weekly. The days when the last thing I want to do is journal are usually the days I need it the most.
If you struggle to find journal prompts that work for you, these daily journal prompts are for you. Whether you're looking for journal prompts for reflection, or simple prompts to use daily, you'll find something on this list.
These are the daily journal prompts to start your day with to feel inspired.
Daily Journal Prompts
Reflective Journal Prompts
1. How are you feeling today?
2. What are your affirmations for the day?
3. What has gone well for you this week?
4. What would you like to do differently this week?
5. Write down a limiting belief you want to let go of.
6. Is there anything you are holding on to and want to release?
7. Who is someone that you miss in your life? What would you say to them?
8. How does your body feel lately?
9. In what ways could you prioritize your health?
10. What are you scared of or nervous about?
11. If you could change one thing about your life today, what would it be?
12. Write about one of your happiest memories. What made that moment so special?
Gratitude Journal Prompts
13. List 3 things you're looking forward to this month.
14. What are you most grateful for in your life right now? Why?
15. Write down 5 things you love about yourself.
16. Who is one person that has had a major impact on your life?
17. Who are the most important people in your life. Why?
18. Who are you grateful for in your life right now? Why?
Goal-Setting Journal Prompts
19. Where do you see yourself in 1 year? In 5 years?
20. Describe your dream career.
21. Write about what your dream day would look like in the future.
22. What are your top 3 goals for this year?
23. What is one goal you are working hard to achieve?
24. Write down a small win you've accomplished today/this week.
25. Is there anything you want to be doing more of but haven't been? Why or why not?
Inspiring Journal Prompts
26. How have you been feeling lately?
27. What is an activity that brings you genuine joy?
28. What is one milestone you are looking forward to reaching? Why?
29. What excites you most about the future?
30. What do you prioritize most in your life?
31. Write down everything that's on your bucket list.
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