This post is all about how to date yourself & practice self love.
One of the most important relationships you will ever have is the one you have with yourself. Nourishing your relationship with yourself is so important and it benefits everyone around you.
If you've ever felt exhausted or disappointed of online dating and constantly scrolling, you're not alone. We can get so caught up in trying to find someone that we forget to check in on ourselves. Even if you're in a relationship, it's still important to do things for yourself and to have a "me" day every once in a while.
Here are ways you can put yourself first and how to date yourself by practicing self-love.
1. Try something new
Try a new hobby or activity that you've never done before. Trying out something new can be liberating and give you a new sense of confidence. If you're embarrassed about trying something new and looking silly doing it, check out Siobhan Lauren on Tik Tok! Her page is all about getting over the embarrassment of trying new things so she does just that. It's so uplifting and it'll inspire you to go out and try new things.
2. Go on a solo date
Going on a date with yourself may sound awkward and weird, but I promise you it gets less awkward over time. I love going on solo dates and spending my time alone doing something I love. Go out to a restaurant for dinner or catch a late night movie. Spend your afternoon browsing a book shop with a cup of coffee in hand. There are so many date ideas that can be just as fun or even better with yourself.
3. Set up a routine
If you don't have a set routine in place, make one for yourself. Use a daily planner or am app like Notion to set up a routine you can follow. A routine allows you to
4. Create a journaling routine
Along with a daily routine, you can benefit from having a journaling routine too. Journaling is such a therapeutic and healing process. It can also be a wonderful way to get to know yourself again. Spend time by yourself journaling and make space for journaling in your weekly routine.
5. Learn when to say no
This is a big one and once you get comfortable doing it, it will change your life. Saying no when you want others to be happy and don't like disappointing is tough. The most important person who you need to make sure is happy is yourself. Prioritize things in your life that bring you joy and add value to your life. Say no to things that drain you or don't make you feel good.
6. Set clear boundaries
Setting clear boundaries is a way to show yourself that you are invested in yourself and your priorities. It can be hard to set boundaries, especially if it's something you haven't done or are uncomfortable with. Setting boundaries means that you are able to prioritize and put yourself first. You know what you want and value, and you won't let other people cross or disrespect your boundaries.
7. Have a spa night at home
Pamper yourself by having a spa night at home. This is one of my favourite ways to practice self-care and to treat myself. Run a bath with Epsom salts, put on a hair and face mask, & do your nails and skincare routine. I love pampering myself with a spa night & then reading a book in bed - there's honestly nothing better!

8. Do your hobby once a week
Make time to do your hobby at least once a week. If you don't know what your hobby is, this is the perfect time to try something new and find out! When life gets busy, our hobbies tend to take the backseat. Set a day aside during the week that you can make time to do your hobby.
9. Do a social media cleanse
I like to do this at least once a month to make sure that the content I consume aligns with me. Go through your social media and check if the accounts you follow still bring value to you. Does the content make you happy? Do you learn new things from the content? Since you can curate your feed to reflect your values and what matters to you, it's important to do a cleanse every so often.
10. Seek out content that you align with
When you're following new accounts, ask yourself whether they bring value to your day and bring you joy. We spend so much time on our social media and consuming content. That's why it's so important to go through your content and seek out the content that you align with, and that makes you feel good.
11. Listen to podcasts
Podcasts have changed my daily routine so much. There are so many inspiring podcasts that you can learn from and gain motivation from. When I turn on my favourite podcasts, it feels like I'm listening to a familiar friend and I always feel so much better afterwards. Find podcasts that you enjoy listening to and make time to listen to them.
12. Treat yourself
There's nothing like treating yourself to a gift every once in a while. If you can, splurge on yourself. Buy yourself that new set of earrings or workout set, or get yourself take out for the night. I've been eyeing new cozy loungewear sets and can't wait to treat myself to one! Treat yourself without feeling guilty about it, because if someone bought those things for you, you wouldn't feel guilty! Treating yourself should feel the same, and you totally deserve it.
13. Set new goals & go over existing goals
Setting new goals is exciting and can get you feeling inspired and uplifted. I love going through my existing goals and tracking my progress. Having a healthy relationship in yourself means being invested in and truly caring about your goals.
Those are the best ways you can date yourself and practice self-love. How are you nurturing your relationship with yourself?
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