These are the ultimate journal prompts for healing and clarity that you need to try.
Journaling is a practice that anyone can pick up and try. There are endless benefits to journaling that make it a go-to wellness tool to use when you're feeling overwhelmed, down, or anxious. When you need a few moments of mindfulness but don't know where to start, journaling prompts are a great way to start your journal session easily and stress-free.
These journal prompts for healing will help you feel more calm and relaxed.
1. How do I feel about myself today?
Check in with yourself for the day to see how you're really doing. This simple journal prompt is a quick way to reflect on your mental health and be honest with yourself about how you're feeling. If you want to do a deeper dive into how you feel, try these journal prompts for mental health.
2. Who do I still need to forgive and why?
If you still have past hurts and relationships that you haven't yet forgiven, it could be time to reflect on those and work out why that is. Holding a grudge will only hold you back and hurt you in the end and this prompt works really well in helping you become more aware of them.
3. What hurt and resentments am I still holding on to?
Are there any other resentments you still have? They could be against yourself, someone close to you, or people who are no longer in your life. Write down all of the hurtful memories and resentments you can think of that still bother you today. This is the first step to letting them go and forgiving yourself and others in the process.
4. How do I feel I've let myself down?
We can be our worst critics. Sometimes, you may not even realize that you're feeling disappointed in yourself until you work through this prompt. I love using this prompt because it always brings up feelings to the surface I need to work on.
5. How can I forgive myself?
Forgiving yourself is an essential step in moving forward with your life and goals. Once you've written down what it is you're holding on to, you can work to forgive yourself. Write out actual steps you want to take to forgive yourself. For me, I like to make myself write positive affirmations about myself each day to shift my thoughts about myself.
6. What would I tell my younger self?
What would you tell your younger self today if you had the chance? This is one of my favorite journal prompts because it always brings me back to what's truly important. Write a letter to your younger self with your life advice, and anything else you wish you heard back then.
7. What am I proud of myself for?
Now it's time to look at the things you feel you've done well and right for yourself. List everything you're proud of yourself. Nothing can be too small. It can be something as simple as waking up early, being a supportive partner, or paying your rent every month.
It's important to acknowledge the positives about yourself to stay confident in yourself.

8. What fears and thoughts are holding me back?
Everyone has different things that they're afraid of. Sometimes, when these fears become overwhelming, they start to affect our lives and the decisions we make. Writing down your fears will help you see what negative thoughts you have that make you fearful.
Then, you can start to dismantle those fears by thinking about how to combat them, and why they might not necessarily be true.
9. 5 things I love about myself are:
Jot down 5 things that you love about yourself. They can be about your personality, looks, or anything else in your life that brings you joy. We're often so tough on ourselves that we don't take the time to love and appreciate ourselves.
10. Positive ways I will change my life:
What positive steps do you want to take to changing your life? The answer to this prompt will depend on your goals, and what you're working to achieve. If you want to achieve a career goal, maybe you need more structure in your day with time blocking.
Make sure to be detailed and explain your steps, so you can look back on these when working towards your goals.
11. Write a letter to someone that's hurt you in the past
This is such a great journal prompt for healing through past hurt and resentments. While it can be tough revisiting old memories, I always feel so much better when I write out my feelings to someone that's hurt me. While you won't send the letter to them, it brings a sense of closure and validation for how you're feeling.
12. I'm grateful for
Gratitude is an essential part of journaling and one you should always practice. Listing everything you're grateful for will keep you in a thankful, positive mindset, despite the worries of every day life.
13. Manifestations for myself
What do you want to see come true for yourself? Write down your manifestations for yourself this year. Do you have ambitious career goals? Are you ready to start a family? Maybe you want to spend more time outside. Write down your manifestations on paper to inspire yourself to work towards them.
Those are the journal prompts for healing and clarity you need to try if you're feeling overwhelmed. Do you practice journaling? I'd love to hear from you!
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