Journaling is a simple way to express and bring awareness to your emotions & feelings. It offers a safe space where you can reflect on your thoughts and release what's hurting you. The best part about journaling is that you don't need to be an expert to do it and experience its benefits.
Holding on to past hurt can lead to bitterness and frustration which is why it's so important to be aware of and acknowledge your feelings. Journal prompts for healing can help you tap in to your emotions and release any hurt, bitterness, or anger you're holding on to.
I've been journaling this past year and it's added so many benefits to my life. When I'm feeling anxious, stressed, or down- I reach for my journal. Although I love doing my daily morning journal prompts, I also love doing journal prompts that make me think about my emotions on a deeper level.
When working on journal prompts for healing, I like to do this practice in parts. This way, each journaling session isn't too overwhelming and you can spend more time on each prompt. It's helpful to take a break after journaling for healing, so you can reflect on and really take in your responses.
This is the first part of the journal prompts for healing series. Here are 6 journal prompts for healing.

1. What hurt, feelings, and/or experiences do I want to let go of?
Reflect on anything that's been upsetting, triggering or bothering you lately. Is there something you've been holding on to that you want to let go of? It can be an experience, a feeling or a thought that is no longer serving you. Write it out and tell yourself you are in the process of releasing this from your grip.
2. What can I forgive myself for?
We are often our worst critics which is why this journal prompt is so important. What have you been blaming or resenting yourself for? Is there anything you can forgive yourself for to give yourself space to move on and grow?
3. Write a letter to someone who hurt or disappointed you
Think about someone who you feel has hurt or disappointed you. Write them a letter with everything you've ever wanted to say to them but haven't. Since you won't be sending this letter, write out everything you truly feel- there's no shame in how your feelings. This letter is for you to release all of the negative emotions attached to this experience.
4. What am I proud of myself for?
We often spend so much time thinking about what we have to do or still haven't accomplished that we forget to acknowledge our successes. What are you proud of yourself for? Think about how far you've come and for how much you've grown. Even if you think it's something too small to mention- jot it down.
5. 5 things I love about myself are
After reflecting on past hurt and resentment, it's important to end your journaling prompts with a positive. I love this journal prompt because it makes me think about the things I often overlook about myself. What are 5 things you love about yourself?

6. Mind dump
We're going to finish this journal session with a mind dump. A mind dump is where you dedicate a page in your journal to write down the first things that come to your mind. Whatever recurring thoughts you're having, whatever's still on your mind- write it down. I absolutely this journal practice because when I finish, I can reflect on the thoughts I'm having at the end of journaling.
Even if you think it's silly or doesn't matter- write it down! This is a great way to calm anxiety, and release some of the repetitive thoughts you're having.
Those are 6 journal prompts for healing you can start with on your healing journey. Take it slow, reflect on your thoughts and don't pressure yourself to come up with answers. Let it flow and release what you're able to at the time.
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