The start of a new season, month, and even week always feels like an exciting opportunity for a fresh start. There’s no wrong time to implement healthy habits, and it’s never too late to create a routine that you love. Journal prompts for healthy habits are essential to creating an organized routine that's way easier to commit to.
For me, journaling is a major part of my self-care routine. It's my go-to practice when I've fallen off track and need a sure fire way to revamp my routine. Whether you're new to the practice or have been journaling for some time now, you can easily practice these prompts each morning to slowly change your habits. From setting new monthly goals to regularly writing out simple daily journal prompts, there are tons of prompts you can add into your routine to make it a daily practice.
These journal prompts for healthy habits are the perfect way to start fresh and change your routine for the better.
1. Write down three habits you want to include in your new routine
A fresh routine means creating new habits that bring you closer to living the life you want to live. Before writing down my new habits, I try to imagine what I see myself doing in my ideal day to day. It can be as simple as being more active, or spending more of my time by the lake.
2. What habits do you want to take out of your routine?
Are there any habits in your day-to-day life that are no longer serving you? Reflect on everything you do in your day, especially on the habits you practice regularly. If there are any habits that slow you down, no longer bring you joy, or leave you feeling worse than before- it's time to get rid of them.
3. What are 5 things you want more of in your life?
Think of things that used to, or still do bring you joy today. Are there any hobbies or passions you've let slip and feel are missing in your life? Maybe you have hobbies you wish you had more time for but don't. The first step is to jot them down and visualize what you see yourself doing more of to feel more joy in your life.
4. What are 5 things you want less of in your life?
These don't necessarily have to be habits and can be anything from things you do occasionally, to experiences or feelings you no longer want for yourself. Maybe you want to drink less or feel less anxious. Write down 5 things you struggle with and want to feel less of to bring awareness to what's not working in your life.
5. List the self-care practices you want to prioritize this month
Curating a routine with solid self-care practices is one of the best ways to stay on track with your goals. Self-care looks different for everyone- for some it might mean spending time out in nature, while for others it's reading a book at home. Whatever your self-care looks like, write down your practices to have a clear vision for yourself.
6. Write down 3 commitments you’ll be making to yourself
One thing that helps me stay on top of my new healthy habits is to write out the commitments I'm making to myself. Your healthy habits are for you and your personal wellbeing. Writing down your commitments is like making a pledge to yourself that you're willing to put yourself first.

7. Write out your ideal daily routine in detail
It's time to write out your ideal daily routine in detail. Add in time slots and make sure to leave yourself more time than you think you'll need. Creating a schedule that's too tight could lead you to miss parts of the routine, leaving you feeling disappointed with your progress. Start with a relaxed schedule and work your way up to adding to it.
8. What are you most looking forward to in your routine?
What gets you excited about your routine? If you've created a solid routine for yourself, you'll feel inspired and look forward to the new changes. These parts of your routine should be the non-negotiables. If they bring you joy and make you feel happy, they need to be a major part of your routine that you practice consistently.
9. List your 3 most important priorities for the month ahead
Think about what your goals are and what you want to achieve with your new routine. Your habits will either bring you closer to your goals, or pull you further away from them. Jot down 3 priorities that align with not just your goals, but the type of life you want to be living.
10. What are you grateful for?
I always end off my journaling sessions with gratitude. Regardless of how I feel at the end of each session, focusing on what I'm grateful for in my life puts me in a more positive, optimistic state. I try to use my gratitude journal every morning and night, and love how I feel after using it.
Gratitude is essential to starting off your mornings in a good headspace, which sets the tone for the rest of the day.
Those are my favorite journal prompts for healthy habits. I love using these when I'm changing up my routine for a fresh start. Do you journal to keep up with your habits?
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