These journal prompts for self-discovery and reflection will help you find more clarity in your day to day.
Journaling is such a simple practice that you can do from almost anywhere that will help you learn more about yourself. Learning more about yourself is so important to finding out what you enjoy, dream of, and want to connect deeper to.
There's a long list of scientific benefits that come from journaling which is what makes journal prompts for mental health such a healing practice. Journaling can help reduce stress, manage anxiety, and even cope with depression. It's the part of my daily routine that I always look forward to.
If you're on the search for easy journal prompts that will help you uncover more about yourself, these are the perfect prompts to start with. These are the best journal prompts for self-discovery and reflection to add to your journaling practice.
1. Daily intentions
Reflect on what your goals are, and what you're striving towards right now. Daily intentions are an easy and powerful visualization technique you can use to envision your future goals and life.
Your daily intentions are statements that you want to believe and attract. They should be positive, inspiring thoughts that motivate you to live the life you want for yourself.
2. What are your top 3 goals for the month?
Narrow your goals down to 3 main goals you want to achieve. These should be your most important goals that will drive you to stay productive and keep you on track. It's a lot more difficult to achieve your goals when you have a long list to check off.
Your goals can be big or small, as long as they're clear and inspire you to work towards them.
3. Thoughts that have been holding you back
Think about any negative or limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. Negative beliefs, no matter how small, can keep you stagnant in life and feeling fearful. I love writing down these thoughts and bringing attention to them so I'm more conscious of how I'm getting in the way of my own goals.
The first step to changing your thought pattern is to become aware of the thoughts that are no longer serving you.

4. Positive beliefs to repeat every day
Now it's time to list the positive beliefs you want to believe about yourself. These should be affirming, positive, and helpful beliefs that support you every day. When I first started this prompt, I realized how little I speak positively to myself because it felt strange. Now, I love writing down positive beliefs to repeat each day.
5. More of/less of
This is one of my favourite journal prompts to use. Write down what you want more of from your life. This can be anything from having more of a feeling, connection with someone, friendships, success, and whatever else will bring you joy.
6. What are you grateful for?
As with all journal prompt practices, we finish off the session with gratitude. Bring attention to what you are grateful to have in your life. This can be the people in your life, your health, pets, job, home, and more.
This prompt is easy to do and brings your energy towards a positive, thankful place. Whenever I'm having a bad day, I do a gratitude prompt to point out the good things in my life and my energy always shifts!
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