This post is all about 7 journal prompts for self-reflection and goal-setting.
Happy November you guys! We are finally in the midst of the holiday season which I am so excited for. With the New Year approaching, I've been taking some more time to reflect on my goals for the upcoming year.
When nearing the end of the year, I love to look back on the past months and reflect on how I've been doing & feeling. After focusing on self-growth the past few months, I've shifted to reflecting & setting goals. It's important to become self-aware when looking to make positive changes in our lives. At this time of year, I like to use a lot of journal prompts for self-reflection and goal-setting to get myself into a clear headspace for the new year.
Here are 7 journal prompts for self-reflection & goal setting for the new month and approaching new year.
1. What went well for me this past month?
Think about all of the good things that happened to you this month. What are things that brought you joy and helped you feel good about yourself? Is there anything that you're proud of yourself for doing this month? Recognize the little successes and celebrate them!
2. What would I have changed about this past month?
Write down something you would like to improve on in your life. Maybe you want to work on watching less tv, or getting up a few minutes earlier each morning. Whatever it is, write down what you would like to change and why.
3. How have I shown up for myself the past month?
It's important to recognize the small wins & successes, too. It can be so easy to point out the things we want to change or improve on. But, remember to also acknowledge and celebrate your successes. What are some ways you've shown up for yourself in the past month? They can be as small as working to eat healthier, setting boundaries or making time for things you love.
4. What boundaries do I need to set for myself?
Are there any boundaries you struggle to set for yourself?. If you struggle with setting boundaries for yourself without feeling guilty, it's important to acknowledge that. This is definitely something I've struggled with so I make it a point each month to think about the boundaries I can work on.
5. Which goals have I achieved?
Reflect on the past month and list the goals that you have achieved so far. It doesn't matter how big or small- each goal is super important! One of mine was to wake up earlier. Instead of waking up at 6:45, my goal was to wake up at 5:30. So far I've been waking up at 6 and although I'm not there yet, I celebrate getting closer to that goal!
6. Which goals am I working towards?
Think about goals that you haven't yet reached or are still working towards and jot them down. This will help you realize the goals you are working towards and become conscious of them.
7. List the steps you are going to take to achieve those goals.
It's important to have a plan of action when working to achieve your goals. Writing down your goals is the first step and making a plan to achieve them is the next. It's one of the most essential things you can do. I love writing a numbered list of what I plan to do to achieve my goal.
If my goal is to wake up at 5:30 each morning to go to the gym, my list would look something like:
1. Put my phone away 30 minutes before bed.
2. Go to sleep at 10pm the latest each night.
3. Set 2 alarms for a few minutes before 5:30am.
Once you start breaking down your goals into lists like this, you'll gain a clearer idea of how you'll achieve your goals!
What are some of your favourite journal prompts for the new month?
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