These are 11 of the best journal prompts for a new month. Every new month always brings with it a feeling of a fresh start and new opportunities. I love the excitement and optimism I feel whenever it's the start of a new month. One of my favourite journal practices is to reflect on the past month, and to journal with the new month and my goals in mind.
A new month brings new opportunities to set goals for yourself to work on. It's a time to reflect on the previous month, realign yourself with your goals and to reset for the month ahead. This list is similar to my Journal Prompts For Goal Setting post, with a few additions for a longer journaling experience. If you're looking for detailed journal prompts for a new month, you will love this list of prompts.
These are 11 journal prompts for a new month.
1. Intentions for the month
Start off your journal session with your intentions for the month. Your intentions are the guiding principles for how you want to act and show up in your daily life. It's a commitment you make with yourself for how you want to act and should be the driving force behind your goals.
2. My top 3 goals are
Now it's time to set your top 3 goals for the month. I'll usually only set 3 main goals so that I don't overwhelm myself with too many goals. 3 is more than enough goals to set for the month. They could be major career goals, or a small goal to change a bad habit. Write down your goal in detail and make sure that it's something you can reach within the month. This will keep you focused and motivated with your goals in mind for the month.

3. I'm going to achieve these goals by
Now that you've set your 3 main goals, it's time to create a plan of how you'll actualize your goals. Write down the steps you will take to achieve your goals. Make sure that they're clear and detailed, and will keep you on track to reach your goals.
If one of your goals is to be healthier this month, some steps could be:
- drink x glasses of water each day
- exercise 4x a week
- meditate for 5 minutes each day
When your steps are detailed and really specific, it's a lot easier to implement them into your daily routine!
4. This month, I want more
This part of the journaling session is all about what you want more of in your life. Think about what you enjoy doing or something that makes you happy. Is there anything you wish you had more time to do? For me, I often write down things I want to make more time for like reading, hiking, and spending time with my dog & family. You can also write down what you want to feel more of like peace & relaxation. Whatever you write down, it should be something that brings joy to your life.

5. This month, I want less
What do you want less of this month? Maybe you want to spend less money, have less anxiety, go out less, or spend less time talking about others. These are things in your life that don't make you feel good, and often make you feel worse when you experience too much of them. When I do this journal prompt, I think of when I wasn't feeling my best and write down what caused it. That's usually something I want less of in the coming month.
6. I need to prioritize
The things you list in this prompt should align with your top 3 goals for the month, as well as things you want more of this month. What are some things you need to prioritize this month? If there's anything you've been neglecting or not offering enough of yourself to, this is the perfect time to write it down.

7. I'm letting go of
Think about something you've been holding on to in the past few weeks. Is there any anger, resentment, or guilt you've been unable to let go of? If something keeps persisting in your life and you're ready to let it go, write it down. This should be something that no longer serves you. You may need to work through some healing before you're able to let go, which these journal prompts for healing can help you with.
8. These beliefs are holding me back
Self-limiting beliefs are often one of the biggest things holding you back from living a life that you align with. These beliefs can be negative self talk, negative thoughts about yourself, or other limiting beliefs. These are the beliefs that will try to keep you in your comfort zone. By writing them down, you'll bring awareness to them and be aware of the thoughts it's time to let go of.
9. I'm grateful for
Now it's time for gratitude. Write down all of the things in your life that you are grateful for. They can be anything from your home, to you family and health. These are things that can be so easy to take for granted, but are such blessings to have.
10. I'm proud of myself for
Regardless of whether you had a good month or not, it's important to recognize the things that did go well. Reflect on what you did do well and are proud of yourself for. This can also help with any negative self-talk and change your perspective on your successes, however small they may be!
11. Manifestations
The last journal prompt is your manifestations. Manifestations are what you want to attract into your life through thoughts. They're your dreams and goals - what you wish to have and are looking forward to have in your life. Write them down in the present tense as if you already have them.
If your manifestation is to have a successful business write down, I am a successful business owner of a business I love and am proud of.
Manifestations in the present tense bring you closer to imagining that you already have what you want, and create a positive energy around your desires and goals.
Those are 11 journal prompts for a new month. Do you use journal prompts for your monthly resets?
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