Start your year off with these reflective New Year journal prompts for a life-changing year.
There's something inherently refreshing about the start of a New Year. A time to reflect, goal-setting, set intentions, and gain clarity for the future—the beginning of the year is a period full of change.
When it comes to reflecting on all of the events that happened in the last year, journaling is a staple practice that can help you put your thoughts on paper. If all else fails, write it out. A year is a long time, which is why having journal prompts to organize the events of the last 365 days of your life is essential.
These prompts will get you to look back on your achievement, setbacks, and gratitude while also encouraging you to let go of the past to make space for the present.
We swear by these reflective journal prompts that will guide you towards having a life-changing year.
1. What were your big wins this year?
Look back on what went right for you this year. What are some things you've accomplished that you're proud of yourself for? Reflecting on your big wins will remind you of all of the goals you've achieved within the year to give yourself praise for.
2. What were your small wins this year?
However small, every win deserves to be celebrated. Small wins are a reminder of all of the hard work you put into the past year, and how far you've come.
3. What challenges did you face?
Are there any challenges that you faced that really defined or altered your year? The biggest challenges often leave us with the biggest life lessons. Think about the difficult times in the past and how you were able to get through them.
4. List something you were too afraid to do that you want to do this year
Is there anything that you've been really wanting to do, but just couldn't get the courage to pursue? Whether it's a goal, a career move, or a new hobby you want to try-put it on your list of things to accomplish this year.
5. What do you need to leave behind in this past year?
Think about any past moments or people in your life that you need to leave behind to make space for something new this year? Often times, we can harbor and hold onto old resentments that we don't realize are blocking us from new opportunities.
Use this as a way to write what you feel about the moment, and allow yourself to let go and move forward.
6. Write down your top life goals for the year ahead
Write out your absolute top life goals that will be your focus for the year ahead. These can be general goals you've been working to achieve in all aspects of your life. Setting clear goals gives you something definite to work towards in the new year.
7. Write down 3 healthy habits to practice this year
How do you want to prioritize your health this year? Plan out 3 healthy habits you want to incorporate into your daily routine to practice more of. The New Year is a popular time to set health goals you want to achieve for yourself.
8. What makes you happy? How can you do more of that?
This journal prompt is great to use for reflecting on what truly brings you joy in your life. Think about the hobbies, activities, and people in your life that make you genuinely happy. Once you write them down, think about how you can add more of that to your daily life for a more fulfilled day-to-day.

9. Who are you grateful for in your life?
Who are the people who you've been able to lean on for support this year? Write down all of the people who you are thankful for in your life. Expressing gratitude is a way to give thanks for all of the blessings and positive things you have in your life.
10. What do you look forward to this year?
Are you looking forward to pursuing a dream, a career shift, or a big life event this year? Jot down everything that has you excited about the new year to shift your energy into a positive direction.
11. How could you add more value to your life, and to others?
In what ways can you add true value and meaning to not only your life, but to the life of others? To avoid getting caught up in trying to constantly achieve goals, think about what will bring the most meaning into your life. Reflect on how you can help others and bring joy into their lives, which in turn will bring joy into yours.
12. List all of the lessons that life has taught you this year
From the challenges and obstacles you faced, what are some of the life lessons that have come out from the other side of them? It's often the moments of adversity that propel you forward to grow. Write down everything you've learned, and the ways in which you've grown from those humbling moments.
13. Write down your top 3 goals by category: personal, financial, career, and health.
Organize your goals by category to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve for yourself this year. I love this journal prompt because it helps keep my goals organized and helps me envision exactly what I want from every aspect of my life.
14. In what ways will you push yourself outside of your comfort zone this year?
Stepping outside of your comfort zone, while difficult, is one of the best ways to change your life for the better. If there are new experiences or things you want to manifest, you'll have to do something you've not yet done to bring them into your life.
Those are the best reflective new year journal prompts for a fresh start. Do you journal at the end of the year?
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