Happy 2022 everyone! I honestly can't believe how quickly this past year has come and gone. One of my favorite ways to start the New Year is by journaling. I love to look back on the past year and reflect on what went well and what I'd like to change.
There's always such an exciting air of new opportunities for a fresh start in the New Year. Some of my favorite ways to bring in the new year are to create a vision board, set new goals, and journal for the year ahead. If you're new to journaling and don't know where to start, or need New Year journal prompts for 2022, this post is for you!
Here are the absolute best New Year journal prompts for 2022.
1. At the end of 2022, I see myself
This is the part where you envision where you see yourself at the end of this year. Where do you see yourself in your career, in your friendships, and in your life overall? Think about your goals, as well as how you want to feel about your life. You should feel inspired by envisioning yourself at the end of the year. This prompt will help you map out your goals.
2. My goals for 2022
Now it's time to write out your goals for 2022. I like to look at my past year's goals to see if I've accomplished them and if there are any I can carry on into the New Year. After revisiting your goals from the past year, think about where you envisioned yourself at the end of 2022, and what goals will bring you there.
3. Steps I need to take to reach my goals
For this prompt, it's important to get as specific as possible. Look at each individual goal you wrote down for 2022 and under each goal, write down the steps you need to take to reach that goal. This prompt will take you some time. It's important that you take your time, go through each goal slowly and list out the steps you will take to reach each goal.
4. I'm proud of myself for
What are some things that you're proud of yourself for in the past year? While reflecting on the past and thinking of what you'd like to do better, don't forget to acknowledge all of the good you did, too. Whether you're proud of yourself for setting boundaries, for putting yourself out there or for making it through a tough year - write it down!
5. In 2022, I'm leaving behind
Is there anything you'd like to leave behind in 2021? If so, this is your chance to purge & let it all out on paper. Things to leave behind can be anything from old friendships, toxic relationships, habits to limiting beliefs. Reflect on things in your life that no longer serve you and that you're ready to let go of.

6. I want to prioritize
What do you want to prioritize in 2022? Think about what you really want to put first and make time for this year. These priorities should align with your goals, but also align with what makes you happy. Maybe you want to prioritize spending time with your family this year, or taking time to find out what you love to do. Whatever it is, make sure that it aligns with how you want to feel this year.
7. My manifestations for 2022
Manifestations are tangible things you can bring into your life through actions & thoughts. I firmly believe that envisioning your dream life and manifesting your dreams works. What are some of your manifestations for 2022? When writing down your manifestations, write them down in present tense. If one of my manifestations for 2022 is to become a full-time blogger by the end of the year, I would write: I am a successful, fulfilled full-time blogger and get to do what I love each day.
8. My affirmations
The way you talk to yourself matters. If you find yourself getting stuck in negative self-talk loops, focus on affirmations that will make you feel good about yourself.
Those are the absolute best new year journal prompts for 2022. Have you journaled for the beginning of the year yet? What are some of your favorite prompts for 2022?
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