These 8 positive affirmations to add to your daily routine for self-love will change the way you think.
The words you say to yourself speak volumes about how you feel about yourself, too. Most of us are our biggest critics- I definitely have my share of days where I say things to myself that I wouldn't to anyone else. This is why in every journaling session I have, I try to add in at least one positive affirmation.
A positive affirmation is a positive statement that you repeat to yourself throughout the day. These statements can help you stop self-sabotaging and stop you from being your own worst critic.
"You will never speak to anyone more than you speak to yourself in your head. Be kind to yourself"
When it comes to learning to accept yourself, practicing self-care, journaling, and positive affirmations can help you shift the way you see yourself. If you're looking to change your self-talk- add these 8 positive affirmations to your daily routine for more self-love.
1. I'm evolving, changing, and growing into the person I want to be
Although you might not be where you'd like right now- that doesn't mean that growth isn't still happening. Every day, you're evolving, changing, and growing. Try not to ruminate over how you're not yet where you want to be. This will only leave you feeling not good enough and resent who you are right now. Embrace that you're evolving, and that all of the challenges you face are helping you grow into a stronger person.
2. I am confident, strong, happy, and kind
List out all of the traits and characteristics you want to manifest and have more of. These traits should represent the person you want to be, and how you want to treat others. You can change this list to fit the traits you want to embody in yourself. Other characteristics that you can use are: grateful, present, empathetic, loving, & forgiving.
3. I deserve all of the success and opportunities coming my way
It's important to feel like you deserve success and opportunities, and aren't sabotaging those coming into your life with negative self-talk. With this positive affirmation, you're also manifesting that success and opportunities are already on the way. This doesn't mean that you don't have to do the work, but that you're open to the opportunities ahead.
For the longest time I subconsciously believed I couldn't actually achieve my goals. So, I wouldn't apply to certain positions and didn't put everything into my goals because of that. That's why this affirmation is essential to believing in yourself and what you're capable of.

4. I am exactly where I'm meant to be in life
I'm definitely no stranger to comparing myself to others and criticizing my life timeline. If you find yourself thinking "I should have this in my life by now" or "They've already passed this milestone and I'm still only here", then this positive affirmation is for you. Remind yourself daily that you are exactly where you're supposed to be in life at this very moment.
Everyone's path looks different, and you won't find happiness by comparing yours to someone else's. The more you accept where you are in life right now, the more that opportunities meant for you will come into your life.
5. I am my own best friend
This positive affirmation is so simple, but it's key when you're on the journey of loving and accepting yourself. You should be your own best friend. Of course, you'll have other best friends in your life! But if you're not a friend to yourself, then what are you?
Shift from being your own worst critic, to being your own best friend. Support yourself in your self-talk, compliment yourself, and use positive affirmations each day. You can completely transform your relationship with yourself by being your own best friend.
6. I am grateful to be the person I am & to have the life that I have
Gratitude is so important when it comes to appreciating the good things in your life. Be grateful for the person you are, and for everything you have in your life. You can make a list of all the things you're grateful for in your life. Most journal prompts either start or end with a section on gratitude. Practicing gratitude will get you used to shifting your awareness to the positive things your life is filled with.
7. I accept the flaws that make me who I am
Accepting your flaws is one of the hardest things you can learn to do. The first step is to be aware of what your flaws are- the things you want to work on to treat yourself and others better. Once you know what they are, repeat this positive affirmation to yourself each day. Think about your flaws and understand that they're a part of who you are.
Everyone has things they don't love about themselves and want to work on. It's part of the process and will take time, but this positive affirmation will help you get there slowly.
8. I love my body and all that it does for me every day
As a woman, I have a lot of things to say about my body and most of the time- they're not great. We've been conditioned to pick our bodies apart and focus on what we don't like about them. Practice this positive affirmation to practice what it feels like to love your body. Practice gratitude for everything your body does for you each day.
Those are 8 positive affirmations for self-love that you can easily add to your daily routine. What are some of your favourite positive affirmations?
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