There’s something about the energy in summer that’s different in the best way possible. Longer days and warmer weather are a game-changer for a lot of us. They bring better moods, higher energy levels, and an overall more optimistic outlook on life.
After leaving my job and pursuing a new career I’ve always dreamed of, I realized how much I had been neglecting my physical and mental health. Stress and worry took over, and my health took a backseat.
This summer, I decided to take advantage of that summer energy and prioritize myself. If you're looking to prioritize yourself this summer and want to make this season about your wellbeing, you've come to the right place!
Here are simple ways you can prioritize yourself this summer.
1. Journaling every day
I recently started journaling every day and all I can say is, why didn’t I start sooner? I’m the type of person to go through every cringe-worthy thing I ever said while also thinking about what I want to make for dinner that day. My head is a constant barrage of noise. Enter: journaling.
I love how I can mind dump everything in my head one day, and do daily journal prompts another day. Putting my thoughts on paper has helped me reflect on what I’m actually feeling while getting rid of some of that background noise.
2. Setting boundaries with social media
I’ll be honest — I’m sort of addicted to social media. I’ve never been good at setting boundaries in my life but when it comes to social media, I’m an outright disaster. So, I’ve had to set clear boundaries with my social media accounts.
I try to delete my Instagram app off my phone on weekends and try to limit my scrolling to 30 minutes a day. Of course, there are days when I cave and spend more time than I’d like to admit on my phone but, even small steps and changes have made me feel so much better mentally. Prioritize yourself with setting a boundary with your social media use- you'll be so glad you did.
3. Trying out new hobbies
I recently found a Tik Tok account where this girl tries new hobbies and things she’s been too embarrassed to try in the past. I can’t tell you how many times my fear of embarrassing myself in front of other people has stopped me from doing something I really wanted to do.
Swimming, tennis, and gardening are a few of the hobbies I’ve taken up in the past few weeks. I’m by no means good at any of those things (just ask the wilting plants on my patio) but — I’m learning, and having fun while doing it!
4. Trading in things for experiences
This year, I started trading in things for experiences. I love to shop but find that the temporary joy buying something new brings me is short-lived and leaves me wanting more. So instead, I’m focusing on spending my money on experiences.
This could be anything from an overnight trip to something adventurous like zip-lining or camping.
For special occasions like my birthday or an anniversary, I don't like asking for material gifts. Instead, I ask for experiences. I love to travel and find that for me, experiences leave me feeling much happier, fulfilled, and with more memories than a material item could.
5. Moving my body
I used to work out to punish myself for eating too much of something I shouldn’t have or to look a certain way. This only fed my negative relationship with food and working out and kept me feeling self-conscious.
Now, I work out to move my body so that I can feel better mentally and physically.
I also started doing workouts I genuinely like doing. Long walks, yoga, and pilates have completely transformed my workout routine because I actually enjoy doing them! This summer, I’m prioritizing moving my body and making sure I do each day, even if it’s only for a few minutes.
6. Letting go of my comfort zone
Before I started my journey as a freelance writer, I worked as a teacher for 3 years. It took me 3 whole years to muster up the courage to have an honest conversation with myself and admit that I never loved teaching, nor had I ever even wanted to be a teacher.
Teaching was safe, comfortable, and didn’t require me to do many things outside of my comfort zone.
Writing has always been a passion of mine, but I held on to the limiting belief that I would never be able to make a career out of it. Writing is completely out of my comfort zone and it terrifies me to put myself out there— but, I love it. It brings me joy, and stepping outside of my comfort zone has worked thus far, so, it’s something I want to focus on doing more of this summer.
Are you thinking about prioritizing yourself this summer? What are some ways you're putting yourself first this season?
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