This post is all about simple daily journal prompts.
Spring has sprung which means it's time for a fresh set of journal prompts, new goals and healthy habits for the month. April has always felt like the perfect time for a fresh start with flowers blooming, warmer weather ahead and a feeling of excitement in the air.
One of my favourite ways to practice daily journaling is by using simple daily journal prompts. Although I love to use specific journal prompts for self-reflection, setting goals, and self-growth, daily journal prompts are my go-to for daily journaling. They're easy to use,
Whether you journal every day or are just starting out, these simple daily journal prompts are perfect to get you into the habit of daily journaling. Here are the simple daily journal prompts you need to try.
1. How am I feeling today?
Start off your journal prompts with reflecting on how you feel today. You can use a scale of 1 - 10, or describe how you're feeling. I like to use both the scale & write a short reflection on how I feel in the morning. Reflect on how you feel mentally & physically; are you tired, happy, anxious, feeling well?
2. Quote of the day
This is where you get to find a quote to set the tone of your day. When choosing a quote of the day, I'll often think about what I want my focus for the day to be and find a quote for that. If I want to let go of worries & enjoy the simple things, I'll find a quote about finding joy in the small moments. If I'm working on my craft, I'll look for an inspiring quote about pursuing your passion. The quote should leave you feeling inspired & excited for the day ahead.
Here are a few of my favourite quotes:
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts." — Winston Churchill
"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great." — John D. Rockefeller
"Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion." — Rumi
“You define your own life. Don’t let other people write your script.”— Oprah Winfrey
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”— Malala Yousafzai

3. Today's intentions
Your intentions are positive phrases that give you purpose and guide you through your day. They set the tone of the day and guide you into the mindset of feeling empowered and motivated. I absolutely love setting intentions because they're simple and yet so powerful. Your daily intentions should help you stay focused on the inspiring & positive thoughts you want to have during the day.
4. Goals for today
Now it's time to set your goals for the day. I often set larger goals for the week, and then break them down into smaller daily goals. Your daily goals don't have to be big or only career focused. They can focus on your health or home too; cleaning the dishes, doing the laundry, or taking a daily walk are all goals that you can set for the day! I usually set 3 -5 goals for the day so that I don't get overwhelmed and have time to check each goal off.
5. How will I keep myself accountable for accomplishing these goals?
This journal prompt is essential to making sure you follow through with your goals. It's easy to write down goals you want to accomplish. But, what about keeping yourself accountable for accomplishing them? For this journal prompt, I write out the steps I'll take to check off my goals.
For example, if my goal is to take a daily walk, I would write: I can have 20 minutes on social media after my daily walk. If I don't take my daily walk, I will add 10 minutes to my daily walk tomorrow.
You can write out any way you'd like to stay accountable for achieving your goals. For me, I like to pair my goal with something enjoyable I get to do afterwards, and something I have to do if I skip the goal. This will help you stay on track with your goals and help you take them seriously.
6. I am grateful for
As with every journaling session, there is a prompt for gratitude. Write down all of the things you are grateful for in your life. They can be your home, your health, family, friends - anything!
I find I can take the really amazing things in my life for granted by focusing on what I don't have. That's why practicing gratitude has been so life changing for me because it brings my focus back to what I do have.
Practicing gratitude daily will remind you of all of the blessings that fill up your life. Rather than focusing on what you don't have yet, it'll shift your focus to the abundance in your life.
7. Manifestations
This is where you're going to write down your manifestations. Manifestation is bringing something tangible into your life by attracting it through your thoughts. Manifestations can be anything from a career you dream of, travel destinations, personal goals or health. They can really be any ideas that you dream of and want to attract. When writing my manifestations, I write them in the present tense.
By writing your manifestations in the present tense, you're sending the message that you're ready for the manifestations to come your way. I also find that it puts me in an action mindset. I'm motivated and want to work towards attracting & creating space for my manifestations. I truly believe that your mindset is so important when pursuing your goals. If you believe you can achieve them, you're setting yourself up for success from the start!

8. Mind dump
This is my favourite part of these simple daily journal prompts. For the mind dump prompt, simply write down anything that's on your mind. This is where you can release your thoughts and put them all on paper.
Whenever I do the mind dump, I feel so much lighter. I write down any anxious thoughts I have as well as the mindless, random thoughts that come to mind too. Writing out the thoughts you have can help you reflect on what you're thinking about, and can help slow down some of the repetitive thoughts.
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