These spring journal prompts will have you feeling inspired for the new season!
Spring is always such an exciting and optimistic time. The short days slowly start growing longer and brighter, and there's a feeling of hopefulness in the air. Journaling is a practice that helps you slow down, reflect, and take inventory of your life.
If you feel like your day to day lacks fulfillment, or are struggling with anxiety, or simply want to feel inspired about a new season, these journal prompts are for you. They're simple, easy to use, and will help you unload any heavy emotions, find space for yourself, and feel excited about your goals for the season.
These are our favorite spring journal prompts to help you get a fresh start.
1. Morning affirmations
Start the day off by writing out your morning affirmations for the day. Affirmations are positive statements to write down and say out loud to change the way you speak to yourself. If you struggle with negative self-talk or thinking, these are essential.
By repeating them every morning, you'll slowly learn to develop the habit of talking to yourself in a more kind and encouraging way.
2. Today I'm feeling
Start with a daily check in to do a review of how you're feeling and unload anything you're holding on to from the day before. This is an easy way to become more aware of how you feel mentally, and what changes you can make for a lighter morning.
3. I am grateful for
Gratitude is one of the best ways to start the day. By listing what you're grateful for, you'll have less time to focus on stressful thoughts and anxiety. This practice always puts me in a positive headspace, and sheds light on all of the good things in your life that you may be taking for granted.
4. I want to focus more on
What do you want to focus more on in your day to day? Are there any thoughts you want to have more of, or tasks to prioritize? Write down what your main focus is this season and what your priorities are to keep yourself on track.
5. I want to focus less on
Write down any repeating negative thoughts, beliefs, or habits you want to focus less on. If you have any habits you notice are taking away from your priorities, now is the time to write them down.
Bringing attention to these things will help you be more aware when you start to think about them and lose focus on what truly matters.
6. Things I'm looking forward to this spring
Spring is an exciting season filled with opportunities and fun things to do. Spending more time outside, planning trips, upgrading your wardrobe, and decorating for the season are all things to look forward to in the warmer months.
Write down what you love most about spring and what you can't wait to do to get yourself feeling inspired and looking forward to the changes ahead.

7. I'm proud of myself for
This is a journal prompt that you shouldn't overlook, especially when it's tough to answer. It's so easy to list off all of the things you want to work on and change to be better, but it can be challenging to praise yourself for everything you've accomplished.
Think of what you've done well and what you're proud of yourself for. These can be small wins or big achievements. Be kind to yourself and acknowledge how far you've come!
8. 5 ways I'm starting fresh this spring
How do you want to start this spring fresh? This season is one that brings with it a fresh slate and feeling of starting anew. Make the most of this transition by listing off exactly how you want to start the season off.
What positive and new changes do you want to make to your routine? Don't be afraid to be detailed and list off your goals step by step.
9. Things I'm leaving behind before the new season
Don't start the season off by bringing with you the anxieties, worries, and hurt from the months before. If there are situations you still need to work through and heal from write them down to keep yourself accountable. These journal prompts for healing and clarity can help you move forward and find closure.
For a true fresh start, write down everything you want to let go of and move on from.
10. I forgive myself for
Holding on to past mistakes and resentment towards yourself will only hold you back and steal your happiness. Rather than feeling guilty or blaming yourself, write down the mistakes you feel you've made and why you forgive yourself for them.
If you're ready to move past them, it's important to forgive yourself first.
11. My intentions
Intentions are ways you intend to live your life in the day, weeks, or months ahead. They keep you intentional and accountable for how you live your life. Reflect on your values and how you can live a more fulfilling, intentional life.
Bring your attention towards your true desires, and set intentions that align with those desires.
12. Manifestations
Write down your manifestations for the new season. What aspirations do you have for yourself? Are there any goals you've been wanting to achieve but haven't yet? Create space to feel what it would be like to reach those goals, and then start writing out your manifestations.
This practice is always so uplifting and inspiring, and will leave you feeling motivated for spring.
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