After a busy and bustling week, there's nothing like the relief and excitement of a long-awaited Friday - it's arguably one of the best days of the week. Whether you're celebrating the end of the week with a self-care bath or by ordering sushi and having a movie night - there's one thing that can undoubtedly help you unwind.
Journaling over the weekend is such a simple way to reflect on the past week, check in with yourself and set goals for yourself for the upcoming week. It gives you a chance to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life, unwind, and be present in the moment. I absolutely love spending my Friday by drawing a bath, making a home cooked meal and using weekend journal prompts.
If you're looking for simple weekend journal prompts that'll help you reflect and unwind, you've come to the right place!
These are the best weekend journal prompts to help you unwind.
1. Intentions for the weekend
To start, write down your intentions for the weekend. What do you want to focus on this weekend? Is there something you want to do or practice more of? Maybe you want to take things slow this weekend and be mindful of your boundaries. Or, maybe you want to be nicer to your partner, spouse, or to yourself. Whatever it is, write down your clear intentions for the weekend ahead.
2. Gratitude
What are you grateful for? Write down anything in your life that brings you joy and that you're grateful for. This can be anything from your health, your home, to your family. It can be as simple as having a bed to wake up in. Practicing gratitude helps you to be more grateful and appreciative in the present moment. I love how much practicing gratitude grounds me and shifts my focus to the positive blessings I have in my life.
3. Goals for the weekend
This is the part where you write down your goals for the weekend. They can be big or small, but I usually write about 3 goals for the weekend, to not overwhelm myself. Keep it simple! When you make a big list of goals for yourself, it's harder to keep track of and achieve all of them in the short span of the weekend. Write down your top 3 goals for the weekend that you want to work towards achieving.

4. 3 things to let go of
What do you want to let go of this weekend? Think of something that happened over the week or in the past that you're still holding on to. Write down 3 things you want to let go of and leave in the past week. Instead of carrying these things into the weekend, work on releasing them. You can also practice these journal prompts for healing to help you work through anything you're still holding on to.
5. This weekend, I'll practice self-care by
It's important to set aside time to practice self-care, but it can be difficult to make that time when you're busy on the weekend. How will you practice self-care this weekend? Write down what you will do to take care of yourself. This doesn't have to be anything huge - you can practice self-care by doing something simple that you love. It can include reading, taking a bath, yoga, or listening to your favourite playlist.

6. Lessons I learned this weekend
Whether you had a good week, or a not so good week, there's a lesson in there somewhere! Write down any lessons you learned this weekend. When working on this prompt, think about a time where you reacted in a way you maybe would do differently next time. You can also write about something you learned about yourself, or in life generally.
7. Manifestations
Now it's time to jot down your manifestations. Manifestations are goals or aspirations that you write down, say out loud and think in order to bring to life. When writing down your manifestations, write them down in the present tense. This is something I do every time I write down my manifestations.
When you write them in the present tense, you're allowing yourself to think of what it would be like to already have your goal or desire. Belief is so important when manifesting, which is why you'll want to write yours down in present tense.
Those are the best weekend journal prompts that will help you unwind. Do you journal on the weekends? What are some of your favourite weekend journal prompts to help you unwind?
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